Menu for text game

I'm making a text game, and I would like to add a graphic menu with: Play, High Scores, and Quit... Think Minecraft menu but simpler.
How would I do this? Also how would I record high scores for: creatures killed, gold, and best alignment, word alignment, and most time spent playing.
How would I record time spent playing?
How would I play music in the background? Possibly with on/off function ( settings tab for menu...) Can the menu have clickable buttons?
Thank You
For music; you need a library.
For graphics; you need a library.

For recording time, use any clock defined in chrono, for example.

For highscores you need a data structure where you sort the scores.

Do 1 thing at a time.
You can play sounds with out a library.
by using
but I believe it is for shorter sounds.

Edit if you need to use a library check out SDL and this site
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