how to read write files consist of multiple files

how to read write files consist of multiple files

recently i modified a .dat file of a game
when i extract the dat files using a program, it consist of multiple files and folders
question is, how to read and write into that kind of file ?

thanks in advance ~
Basically it is an archive with custom compression algorithm. Search for info on zip/7z archives manipulation to lean about main techniques.
MiiNiPaa wrote:
Basically it is an archive with custom compression algorithm.

Yeah, not all .dat files are single files, even if they are, they may not neccessary be popular text files(if they are at all). Most .dat files are custom-made files that may consist of countless other files compressed together using a specific(public or custom-made) file compression algorithms. You may luckily find a general file decompression algorithm to decompress it or otherwise.
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