Classs in C++

I have created these classes and used code::block to compile them but there is a "undefined reference Rectangle::setWid()" "undefined reference Rectangle::setLen()"...
Please help.
Here is my codes:


class Rectangle
double len;
double wid;
void setLen(double);
void setWid(double);
double getLen() const;
double getWid() const;
double getArea() const;

#endif // RECTANGLE_H

/*I saved these files in Rectangle folder.*/

#include "rectangle.h"

using namespace std;

void Rectangle::setLen(double l)
len = l;
void Rectangle::setWid(double w)
wid = w;
double Rectangle::getLen() const
return len;
double Rectangle::getWid() const
return wid;

/*I also saved these files in Rectangle folder.*/

#include "rectangle.h"

using namespace std;
int main()
Rectangle l;
int main()
Rectangle l;
cout << "The area is: " << l.getArea() << endl;

return 0;
} l.setLen(3);
cout << "The area is: " << l.getArea() << endl;

return 0;

but when I compiled, the message
"undefined reference Rectangle::setWid()" "undefined reference Rectangle::setLen()"...
showed up.

Please help.
thank you very much!
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