Need some help

Hello everyone i need some help figuring this out.

My question is asking me Write a program that creates an array of 100 string objects. Fill the array by having your program open a (text) file and read one line of the file into each string until you have filled the array. Display the array using the format “line #: <string>,” where # is the actual line number (you can use the array counter for this value) and <string> is the stored string.

Now when i compile this my line count starts at 0 and instead of 1 is this technically right what i have or is there another way of going about it?

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

int i;
ifstream filename("input.txt");
string filesave[100];

for(i = 0; getline(filename, filesave[i])&&i<100; i++)
for(int x = 0; x<i; x++)
cout <<"line " << x << ": "<< filesave[x] << endl;
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
just do cout<<"line "<< x + 1
Thank you very much DTSCode! greatly appreciated :]
I would rewrite the for loop as a while loop. For example

const int N = 100;
string filesave[N];

int i = 0;

while ( i < N && getline(filename, filesave[i] ) ) i++;

Also it is important what is the order of the logical subexpressions. In your code this order

getline(filename, filesave[i])&&i<100

is incorrect because it allows to execute subexpression getline(filename, filesave[100]).
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I see what your saying Vlad, ok ill make some changes to it and let you guys know what i come up with.
fix your for loop.
since you know that you want to fill an array of 100 it should be simple like this...
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
string line;
filesave[i] = line;

once you've filled the array, create a seperate loop to display it.
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closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
that wont work manga because it will try to read after eof. he wants this
while((i < 100) && getline(filename, filesave[i]))
The file will stop reading once the array is full. Unless you mean the file is too short. If that is the case then he needs to chose a bigger file because he said he needs to fill an array of 100.

The file will stop reading once the array is full. Unless you mean the file is too short. If that is the case then he needs to chose a bigger file because he said he needs to fill an array of 100.

There is a big difference between what you need and what you have.
Maybe if the file is too short he can start looping through the file again until the array is filled.

Maybe if the file is too short he can start looping through the file again until the array is filled.

I think that the more correct approach is to read as many records as there are in a file but not greater than 100.
no. he clearly said fill the array until the array is filled.
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