Need help on operator associativity

I would like to know which of the following expressions are valid and why:


I'm a bit confused with this associativity rules.

Assuming a, b, and c have built-in types

== has higher precedence than =, so this is parsed as (a==b) = c. The result of the built-in operator== is a bool rvalue, built-in operator= requires a modifiable lvalue, so this does not compile

== has higher precedence than =, so this is parsed as a=(b==c). The result of == is bool, this will compile if a has a type that can be assigned from bool (e.g. int)

== has left-to-right associativity, so this is compiled as (a==b)==c, the result of a==b is bool, and this compiles as long as c can be compared to bool (e..g if c is int)

That's very helpful, thanks a lot :D :D
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