string problem

This question is about a class and I did good but my problem is when I am giving information from keyboard it is working fine when I put my gpa, it does not ask for date of birth instead it goes to next instruction.

Constructors works fine.

I think something is wrong in here.
[void Student:: input()
cout << "Please give me your lastname:";
cout << "Please give me your firstname:";
cout << "Enter number of credits you earned:";
cin >> credits;
cout << "What is your GPA:";
cin >> gpa;
if(gpa < 0.0 || gpa > 4.0) // limiting the gpa
cout << "Not a valid GPA , program aborted";
cout << "Enter you date of birth:";
cout << "Enter you matriculation date:";

here is my complete code
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

class Student
private: //access specifier
string lastname;
string firstname;
string standing;
int credits; //member variables
double gpa;
string date_of_birth;
string date_of_matriculation;
public://access specifier

Student(); // default constructor
Student(string newlastname,string newfirstname, int newcredits,
double newgpa,string newdate_of_birth,string newdate_of_matriculation);

void input();
void output();

string getlastname();
string getfirstname();
string getstanding();
int getcredits();
double getgpa();
string getdate_of_birth();
string getdate_of_matriculation();

void setlastname(string LASTNAME);
void setfirstname(string FIRSTNAME );
void setstanding(string STANDING);
void setcredits(int CREDITS );
void setgpa(double GPA);
void setdate_of_birth(string DATE_OF_BIRTH);
void setdate_of_matriculation(string DATE_OF_MATRICULATION);


int main ()
// call to the constructor when we declare object(implicit call)
Student s1("Mohammed","Ahmar" ,19,3.5,"July 24 1993","August 12 2012");
cout << "\n\n";
s1.input(); //call to input function
cout << endl;
s1.output();// call to output function
return 0;


//defining default constructor
Student:: Student(): lastname("--"),firstname("--"),credits(0),
gpa(0.0),date_of_birth("--"), date_of_matriculation("--")

//defining constructor
Student:: Student(string newlastname,string newfirstname, int newcredits,
double newgpa,string newdate_of_birth,string newdate_of_matriculation):

if(gpa < 0.0 || gpa > 4.0)
cout << "Not a valid GPA,program aborted";

//defining mutators
void Student:: setlastname(string LASTNAME)
lastname = LASTNAME;
void Student:: setfirstname(string FIRSTNAME)
firstname = FIRSTNAME;
void Student:: setcredits(int CREDITS)
credits = CREDITS;
void Student:: setgpa(double GPA)
gpa = GPA;
void Student:: setdate_of_birth(string DATE_OF_BIRTH)
date_of_birth = DATE_OF_BIRTH;
void Student:: setdate_of_matriculation(string DATE_OF_MATRICULATION)
date_of_matriculation = DATE_OF_MATRICULATION;
//defining accessors
string Student:: getlastname()
return lastname;
string Student:: getfirstname()
return firstname;
string Student:: getstanding()
if (credits <= 15)
return "lower freshman";
else if (credits >= 16 && credits <= 30)
return "upper freshman";
else if (credits >= 31 && credits <= 45)
return "lower sophmore";
else if (credits >= 46 && credits <= 60)
return "upper sophmore";
else if (credits >= 61 && credits <= 75)
return "lower junior";
else if (credits >= 76 && credits <= 90)
return "upper junior";
else if (credits >= 91 && credits <= 105)
return "lower senior";
return "upper senior";
int Student:: getcredits()
return credits;
double Student::getgpa()
return gpa;
string Student::getdate_of_birth()
return date_of_birth;
string Student:: getdate_of_matriculation()
return date_of_matriculation;
//defining input and output functions
void Student:: input()
cout << "Please give me your lastname:";
cout << "Please give me your firstname:";
cout << "Enter number of credits you earned:";
cin >> credits;
cout << "What is your GPA:";
cin >> gpa;
if(gpa < 0.0 || gpa > 4.0) // limiting the gpa
cout << "Not a valid GPA , program aborted";
cout << "Enter you date of birth:";
cout << "Enter you matriculation date:";
void Student:: output()

cout<< "Student's name is : " << firstname << " " << lastname << endl;
cout<< "Number of credits earned : " << credits << endl;
cout<< "Student's GPA is : " << gpa << endl;
cout<< "Student's standing is: " << getstanding() << endl;
cout<< "Student's date of birth is: " << date_of_birth << endl;
cout<< "Student's matriculation date is: "<< date_of_matriculation << endl;
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