C++ Auto Timing

Hey guys, can someone help me with a function subprogram or a set of statements that allow me to do something within a time limit. I want to create a self-regulated test such that:

cout <<"Press 'S' to start"<<endl;
cin >>ready;

while(!((ready == 's')||(ready == 'S')))
cout <<"Press 'S' to start"<<endl;
cin >>ready;
if((ready == 's')||(ready == 'S'))
while(time != 0) *this is the part I need*
//here we have the actual test

Is this possible?
This is possible, but there's nothing in the standard library which will handle it for you. Timing depends on counting CPU clock cycles, which is very operating-system dependent.
You can set an integer equal to time(0) and then check the time against that integer until whatever time has passed.
#include <ctime> 

int main()
    int x = (time(0)) + 30;
    while(x > y)
        y = (time(0)); 
    return 0; 
Ok im trying to play around with those, thanks for the replies
Ok i've incorporated the <ctime> method but it gives an infinite loop, here is the complete prototype:

#include <iostream>
//#include <fstream>
//#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

const string ans = "41";
char opt,ready,conf;
string name,surn,answer;
int y,x = (time(0) + 120);

int main()
system ("title M220 Self Regulating Test");
cout <<" Welcome To The Self-Efficient Test Trial"<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Enter First Name"<<endl;cout <<endl;

cout <<" ";cin >>name;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Enter Surname"<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" ";cin >>surn;cout <<endl;
cout <<" "<<name<<", are you ready to begin your M220 test? (Y/N)"<<endl;
cout <<" ";cin >>opt;

if((opt == 'Y')||(opt == 'y'))
cout <<" Please Note"<<endl;
cout <<" ***************"<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" You Have 120 Seconds To Complete This Test"<<endl;
cout <<" ==========="<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Lets Begin !"<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Press `S' to Start"<<endl;
cout <<" ";cin >>ready;
while(!((ready == 'S')||(ready == 's')))
cout <<"Signal readiness by pressing `S'"<<endl;
cout <<" ";cin >>ready;

if((ready == 'S')||(ready == 's'))
while(x > y)
y = (time(0));
cout <<endl;cout <<endl;cout <<endl;cout <<endl;cout <<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" You Have 120 Seconds To Complete This Test"<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Question 1 - Given the system: "<<endl;
cout <<" ============ "<<endl;
cout <<endl;
cout <<" 3x - 2y + z = 1 "<<endl;
cout <<endl;
cout <<" 2x + y - 3z = 6 "<<endl;
cout <<endl;
cout <<" x + 2y + 2z = 0 "<<endl;
cout <<endl;
cout <<" Evaluate the determinant by expanding"<<endl;
cout <<" along the second row."<<endl;
cout <<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Enter Answer "<<endl;
cout <<" Det. = ";cin >>answer;cout <<endl<<endl;
cout <<" Confirm Answer: ["<<answer<<"] ? (Y/N) (No Undo!!)"<<endl;
cout <<" ";cin >>conf;
while(!((conf == 'Y')||(conf == 'y')))
cout <<" Re - Enter Answer "<<endl;
cout <<" Det. = ";cin >>answer;
cout <<" Confirm Answer: ["<<answer<<"] ? (Y/N) (No Undo!!)"<<endl;
cout <<" ";cin >>conf;
if(answer == ans)
cout <<endl;
cout <<" Correct, Congradulations!!"<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Score : 98% "<<endl;
cout <<endl;
cout <<" Incorrect answer"<<endl;cout <<endl;
cout <<" Score : 0% "<<endl;
cout <<endl;
cout <<" End of Test"<<endl;cout <<endl;

return 0;

It doesn't give an infinite loop. The loop will break after 120 seconds, if the conditions are evaluated after 120s.
-What you want is a break; for when the test is completed, so as to not run the test again.
-The timing to start only after they have entered their name and stuff.

***-Ideally, a separate thread running to constantly evaluate the time and to break the loop if the time is reached. This is very advanced stuff.

-More realistically, just to say the test was failed if y > x when the test is completed.

Edit: Typo
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Yeah I see what you mean, that's the most probable thing to do. I was just wondering if I can actually do the statements while the time is counting down.

Can you shed some light on how to create the separate thread, I'm familiar enough with C++ t follow
You can use the C++11 <thread> if you're compiler supports that.

Otherwise, you have the option of boost thread: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/thread.html

But yeah basically you should follow this tutorial (which is marvelous):


Post up something in this thread (lol) if you're struggling when it comes to incorporating this into your own code.
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