c++ self learning material!!!HELP

I have been studying c++ for more than 1 month. I have learned upto randomizing programs now learning arrays.
Please anyone can provide me some good self-studying material. Books, videos or anything.

Currently learning from the ebook for alex allian
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Use tutorial included here, on this site. It's good starting point that will teach you C++ basics.

You also may want to check other tutorials in Web, but you have to look for them yourself - however, tutorial on this page is really solid, so looking for other is not necessary.

When you are learning basics, try to write simple programs that will ground your knowledge and develop your creativity. You learned how to get input and output? Great, write a program that will ask user what is his name, and then say hello using his name("Hello, Gregory!").
You know arrays? Write a program that will take 10 numbers and then will show them to user. And then you can write another program, that will take 10 numbers, and print them backwards. Or you can try sorting array from lowest to highest. There are really many exercises for you to practice.

After that, depending on what your aim is - if you want to write some games, you can try learning SDL(lazyfoo got pretty nice tutorials on it), or SFML(quite new library; unfortunately I have not used it, but you can always use google), or maybe Allegro(never used, but some folks did).

And if you have problem - ask :)

Good luck!
Alright, Thanks for help
I'm in a similar boat and find Stephen Prada's book C++ Primer Plus to be quite fantastic. The topics are presented well and in logical fashion, and the exercises are generally nice.

Beyond that, Google, Stackoverflow and this website have all been invaluable for learning. I've tried watching Youtube videos but found that they often don't go in to sufficient depth to learn the ins and outs.
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