Comparing Characters

Hi, I'm about to build a binary search tree using c++ with the operations insert, search, and traversals (inorder, preorder, postorder)

before I start making the program, I wanna solve my first main problem... you see, my BST tree consists of char datas

now the question is... is there anyway i can compare characters with '>','<' or '=' operations? i need to visualize that method so that i can know where to put the character that the user will input (whether in the left subtree or the right). as far as i know, we've only been taught of BST trees with int datas in it so it's easy to put them in left or right because they can be compared by the operands said above.

also... if you wanna give me some advice regarding this project... i'll be more happy :)

tnx in advance ^_^
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