Quick q

I have a quick question about the program. It is saying that my variables under float are constantly not being initialized. Please let me know if You can solve it. Thanks.


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


//declare identifiers

string Name;

float first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,average, saverage;


//Show formula



//Get data

cout<<"Please enter your name:";cin>>Name;

cout<<Name<<", enter your scores in 3 exams:";cin>>first>>second>>third;

cout<<Name<<", enter your scores in 3 quizes:";cin>>fourth>>fifth>>sixth;

cout<<"Dear "<<Name<<","<<endl;

cout<<" Your exams average is"<<average<<"and quizzes average is"<<saverage<<endl;

cout<<" It seems that you are doing great."<<endl;

cout<<"\t\t\t\t Your advisor"<<endl;


system ("pause");

return 0;

That is because you try to use them before you initialize them. For example, you set average = (first+second+third)/(3.), but first, second, and third haven't been given a value yet.
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