Help Please

1. Write a function that receives a string of characters. This function display each character in the string with one character per line.

2. Write a function that receives a string of characters and displays all the character in the string in a reverse order.

3. Write a function that receives a string of characters and a single character. The function counts and returns the number of occurrences of this single character.

4. Write a function that receives a string of characters that contains a few words separated by blank spaces. This function has no return value. It changes the initial of each word in the string to up case letter.

5. Write a function that receives a string of characters. The function has no return value. All this function does is to delete all the blank spaces contained in the string.
These are all rather simple homework tasks. Please, try to write the code for them yourself.
tried but it's not working.. That's what I got:

int stringlength (char a[]);
int i=0;
while (a[i] != '\0'){
return i;

void deleteBlanks(char a[])
int i=0,j=0;
if(a[i]==" "){

void changeToUpper (char a[])
int i=0;
while (a[i]!='\0'){
if(islower (a[i])
a[i]=ToUpper (a[i]);
What is "not working"?
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