C++ programs that deals with loops, I need major help!!!!!

I'm trying to write a C++ program for my CSCI class that will allow a user to input a number from the keyboard. Then using a loop, that will perform 10 times, multiply the entered number by the loop counter. Print out the loop counter, the entered number and the product of the loop counter and the entered number. A one-time heading should be displayed before information is printed.

This is kinda of what I have so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int counter, howmuch;

cin >> howmuch;
counter = 0;
cout << counter << '\n';
while ( counter < howmuch);
return 0;

The only thing is I don't know if that's right or what to do next. When I first started this class it was easy, and I was getting a grasp to most of the concepts. Now our professor doesn't even show us how to do it he tells us what programs that we have to create over the weekend. I'm the type of person that has see how to do something before I started to understand it and I'm really really lost can someone please help me?
I would look into for loops:
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/control/ (scroll down about halfway)
Then using a loop, that will perform 10 times

If there's a set number of times that something needs to run, I'd usually use a for loop. So for each iteration of the for loop it would input the current value of the counter (1 through 10), the user number, then the product of those two numbers. You can use a tab characters "\t" to put a space between the values.

Right now your while loop is running until it reaches the value that the user input.
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