Alongside site tutorial program setup and header help

Hey, just started learning from this site. I'm trying to write the basic code but i constantly get similar errors from multiple programs. Basically says that there is no directory for iostream or iostream.h. What's the basic setup i need to do this simplest of code, cause Code::Blocks and Visual arent working from start up. What do i need to do to use the tutorials on this site? This is literaly copied from the site to the programs it suggested and it doesnt work. Works fine on Dev-C++ but with that one it has errors with chrono header. Is it a problem with the headers being called different things to each program? If so, where do i find out the names?

#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World!";
Nvm, I got it. Theres an option to use unicode that is on in the settings by default. So i needed to switch that to not set so my code had access to all libraries, i think that's what they're called.
it has errors with chrono header.
If you use the up-to-date Orwell DevC++ as described in the tutorial, <chrono> should work.

(the old devc++ v4.9.9.2 was last updated in 2005 and is obsolete).
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