C++ GUI - QT - Expectations

Hi guys,

Im learning QT atm, and was wondering how realistic is it that I will be using this at work? or something similar at that matter. A friend of mine told me that they usually have dedicated designers for this kind of stuff , and that I will not be messing with it.

For me I'm finishing up tutorials for this, for the sake of getting a deeper understanding, but realistically how far should I take this from your own work experiences.

Thank you,
no feedback aye?
Qt is a professional platform. It's not uncommon for workplaces to use it. Actually mine uses it a lot.

Dedicated designers for Qt? It really depends on what kind of company you are working for and what kind of job you have. If you get a job as a Qt designer, then of course you'll use it. If you get a job where you need to make utilities for your customers without any restrictions, you get to use it if it's at your discretion.

I work with some utilities made in Qt and had a good idea for an extension. I built a dialog in Qt, submitted it to the developer of that utility, and he included it in the next release. It's all about what you want from it.

Sure, it takes some effort to learn (though Qt Creator really helps with that), but there are no down-sides to learning it. Jobs will open up, opportunities to contribute will open up, and you'll learn techniques that are applicable cross-library. I took a java course and picked up the java swing library really quickly because many techniques were the same (re-implementing paint functions, listeners vs slots/signals, and OOP windows/dialogs.
Guess Imma stick it out and learn it, its really easy to use and Im quiet frankly enjoying it. My original concern was QT-C++ vs Generic C++ and having used QT for prolonged period of time would make me a worse programmer.
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