Making a console application from xcode work on other computers.

I'm having the exact same problem other beginners of programming are having, I can't put this file on other computers and run them. My question is simple; how do I compile it in xcode to allow this to open on other computers? The binary file is only 43 Kbs, so it must not be putting everything in.
If the other computer uses the same (or of same family) operating system, the program should be transferable. However, you will probably need to use static linking so that the code for library functions such as input/output is included in the executable program when it is built. (The alternative is dynamic linking where the program is dependent upon some additional files being present in order to run - this may be your problem).

If the other computer uses a different operating system etc., normally the easiest way is to copy the source code to the other computer and compile it there, on the machine where it will be run.

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