Trying to write code to convert mp4 files to mp3

So I'm extremely bored and want to begin working on making a program to convert audio files to other types of audio files. But I don't know where to start, how would I begin this project and where should I start looking?
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You should learn about files' formats. Have to know all about which bits in the file represent which properties.
Compare the different between 2 formats and design how'll you translate them.
It's quite a little bit hard for audio format to understand, maybe you can try images format first.
Okay so maybe try a .png to a .jpg? Is there anything in cplusplus's refrence library about how to come about doing this? I'm still a novice at programming but I want to give something like this a go.
You have to decide Which kind of researching you want to go on?
1. Use existing libraries on process.
There'll be some 3rd-party libraries(free and not), you could find it on google or many forums outside.
2. Learn about file format and do it yourself, this is better for studying and improvement. All you have to do is understand file format as I said (maybe some multimedia's mathematics required) and translate by create your own target file by new format.
i.e. read png and write new in jpg format, same data, different format.
you won't need any tools because you can write it all in BINARY.
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Researching as in number two, thanks for the help I'm gonna do some research on file formatting and I'll come back here if I need help. Thank's so much!
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