
What is the use and need of fflush keyword ?
fflush is not a keyword.
fflush is the C equivalent of the c++ std::endl or std::flush. In C, this is a function while in C++ they act as stream manipulators (really just functions underneath).

Calling any of these in your code will release all memory being held in the buffer, associated with the stream object you use them on. And will write the contents to the correct place in memory.

Buffer: http://cplus.about.com/od/glossar1/g/buffer.htm
Why is buffering important: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5112992/why-is-buffering-in-c-important
Read more about flush: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14105650/how-does-stdflush-work
Calling any of these in your code will release all memory being held in the buffer, associated with the stream object you use them on.

Not accurate, but this is trivial to ascertain using google or the search box at the top of the page. I would encourage the OP to use one or the other.
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