Help with non homework problem

I've been a little rusty over the years and I've seem to forget most of C++. I have a problem here that i want to know how to do but I can't seem to find the solution to it. I like to see how it is done and work my way backwards. Thank you in advance

Given the global structure type:
typedef struct
char name[30];
long ssn;
int grades[5];
float average;
Write a main ( ) function that:
 Creates an object of type STUDENT;
 Passes the address of this object to a function called GetData ( ) ;
 Passes the object by value to a function called WriteData ( ) ;
Then write the function GetData ( ) that :
 Receives the address of the structure object as one of its formal
arguments ;
 Prompts the terminal operator and receives the name field ;
 Prompts the terminal operator and receives the ssn field ;
 Prompts the terminal operator and lops 5 times to receive all
entries in the grades array ;
 Computes the floating point average of the 5 grades and stores it
into the field average ;
 Returns control back to main ( ).
That is homework.

What should the WriteData() do?
Finally, write the function WriteData ( ) that:
 Prints a title line to identify the NAME, SSN, and AVERAGE ;
 Prints the name, ssn, and the average ( to an accuracy of 2
decimal positions).
 Returns control back to main ( ).

It is more of a warm up for me from a slideshow my teacher gave me to refresh my memory on C++.
Thank you for the link by the way. It really helps as well.
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