Help with correcting formula

I am unsure what is wrong with my code, the formula i need to have is x*(1+(r/100))^Y where x is initial investment and r is interest rate and y is years

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
int inInvest;
int intRate;
int numQuarter;

cout<<"Enter initial investment (dollars): ";
cout<<"Enter interest rate per year (percentage): ";
intRate = (intRate/100.0);
cout<<"Enter number of quarters: ";
cout<<" "<<endl;
double years = (numQuarter/4.0);

float invCompounded = inInvest*(pow(1.0+intRate,years));

The output for invCompounded is the same as the inInvest
You are declaring intRate as an integer data type, but the line intRate = (intRate/100.0) won't work that way.

Let's say the interest is 6%, so cin >> intRate sets intRate to 6. Then, you have intRate = (intRate/100.0) = 6/100.0 = 0.06. But since intRate is int type, this evaluates to zero instead. I'd make intRate a float to make everything work out well.

There may be other issues, but that's the first one I noticed.
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