Delay Load


I'm delay loading a dll lets say delay.dll. During the loading can we say where to look for the dll.?

I have one control process which will spawn multiple threads and there are multiple version of delay.dll exists. one thread should load delayload(1.0 version) and other thread should load delay.dll(1.3 version)

when contorl process launches the threads. if first thread loaded the delay.dll(1.0) and other thread also uses the same version(1.0) which i dont want to happen. My thread should always do load version 1.3.

Is there any way to give this information for delay loading dlls.

Many Thanks,
What OS?

In any case, I don't think that's going to work the way you want it to unless the symbols (entry points) in the DLLs are totally different. Once the delay1_0.dll has been loaded, its entry points have been resolved. When you attempt to load delay1_3.dll, any symbols in delay1_3.dll that already exist in delay1_0.dll won't be loaded. i.e. You can't have the same entry point in two dlls and expect both to be loaded. Depending on loader options, references will either resolve to the first one loaded, or result in duplicate entry point errors.
Take a look at this:

Is there any way to give this information for delay loading dlls.
Hm, I'm not sure whether i understand what you mean...
You may have a function in the dll that tells the version of the dll.
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