program.exe has stopped working

Why doesn't this program work?
Whenever I run it windows gives an error message and it shuts down

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//store the entered values in an array
int storeseq(int k)
int i=0;
int seq[k];

while (i<k)
cin>> seq[i];


//display the array
int displayseq(int seq[], int k)
int i=0;

while (i<k)
cout << seq[i];


int main ()
int k;

int seq[k];
//k is the amount of numbers in the sequence

cout<<"enter k"<<endl;
cin >>k;

displayseq(seq, k);

return 0;
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What error message? Please be specific.

Line 10, 38: You can not allocate an array this way. Array size must be known at compile time. It can not be a variable.

Line 10: This instance of seq is local to storeseq(). It goes out of scope when storeseq exits.

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Like this error message (but in swedish and "program.exe"):

Is it possible to keep the value of seq[]?

thanks for the quick answer :)
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