Euler's number

Hi guys i just have a quick question this is my homework.
"Write a C++ program that will calculate the value of “e” (Euler’s number, e = 2.71828…) using a function you create named “find_e”. It shall have no arguments and return no values using the return statement. All transfer of information to and from the function must be in the form of global variables. The function “find_e” must be contained in a file separate file the file containing the “main” function. You must ask the user for an accuracy value as you did in the previous program that calculated the value of pi. All output must be from the main program."

when I asked my professor what formula should we use he just gave me this link

euler's #(1 + 1/n)^n so if I'm correct n must be the accuracy value that the user
desires? thanks!
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as you did in the previous program that calculated the value of pi

What did you do in the pi program?
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