How to compare two different data types

I have to compare the contents of a char array to a string. I have to use an if statement to see if one of the characters of the array match one of the letters in the string. How do I go about this?
Do you have to match only character or all of them?
If you have to match only one, use indexes like you do for arrays.
if (myString[0] == charArray[0])
    //do something

Edit: Be sure to not go out of bounds.
This isn't the only way to do it, just the first way I thought of.
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char array has characters that the user inputs through some kind of loop. The user is trying to guess a secret word which a string that is a global variable. Its actually the game Hangman. To give you an idea.
First, what forces the use of a char array? One can do input to std::string too.

Second, perhaps:
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