Classes/member functions

Can anyone help me with writing this program that allows the user to rent things, return things. I need to keep track of inventory, profits made, and who the user is.

Here is the prompt:
Create a c++ file to be used in a furniture Renter

The class must be named rentBox.

It must have member functions named:

Inventory - track furniture inventory. Your rentBox can hold no more than 2 copies

of 3 different types of furniture. If the user wants to rent more than 1 furniture,

you must allow them. If they request a item that is out of

inventory you must tell them.

Sales - The fee is $1.00 per night. Assume everyone returns the furniture

within 1 day.You must tell the customers how much they owe

at the end of all sales.

Screen - This member function should control all output to the screen,

which includes the user interface.

Customers - This member function tracks which customer is renting. Give each

customer a name and say hi to them each time they sign in.

There are three customers which gain access using a two digit code.

The codes are 22 33 and 44.

Returned - Controls the returned furniture by a customer. These are restocked.

Admin - Allows the owner of the machine to sign in using code 88. The screen

should show the owner any furniture currently in stock and not rented and

those that have been returned. It should also show the owner how

much money he has made on sales. all revenues are profits.

The program shall remain running once it has started so all customers can rent and

return furniture without rerunning the code. When all furniture, are rented, the machine stop

close down and output a message that the rentbox is "not working"

Start with a class named "rentBox", and build it from there. This question seems very similar to one that was asked yesterday.
Your prompt tells you exactly what the member functions should be called, and you'll need some member variables to help you out. Think about what you need to keep track of (number of copies, total sales, etc).

Take a look at this thread from yesterday, and see if it can help you get started.
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