Header file isn't recognized

Hi there,

My environment is: HP Laptop, Ubuntu 13.04.

I have this file glutSolidSphere.cpp that I am trying to compile with g++. The URL is:


I get the first error that the header file graphics.h is not available. Fine, I found it on the web, copied it, included it in the same directory and still the g++ compiler says that this file is not found. Why?

Well, after some googling I found the SFML library. SFML stands for Simple Fast Multimedia Library.


It has many header files including the graphics.h. Ubuntu built a directory for it and put files in there.

My question is: How can I tell g++ to look for that library in those files?

Thanks, - A.
A web search would lead one to this page: http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.2/start-linux.php
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5988686/creating-a-3d-sphere-in-opengl-using-visual-c/5989676#5989676
> I get the first error that the header file graphics.h is not available
I don't see graphics.h anywhere in that code.
ne555, you are correct. I got confused and posted the wrong link. Will try to find the correct one. Thanks.
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