Programming Portfolio Example Ideas

Hi there!

I'm kind of new at programming and have only taken several classes on the basics of different languages (Loops, Arrays, Functions, etc.). Currently, I am attempting to get into a university to improve on my programming skills, but sadly, the university requires 6 - 8 original examples of said skills. I'm afraid that whatever few programs I've made in the past won't be up-to-par with their standards (pretty low acceptance rate), so I'm here asking you guys if you have any ideas of good programs I could create for the portfolio.

If possible, I'd prefer for the examples to be rather simple, nothing too extravagant. I don't mean to sound lazy, but I do have a time limit and a rough schedule. I don't mind having to learn new things to create any of these examples either, I'd actually be happy to, but try to keep it to something a beginner with limited knowledge like me can handle.

Anyways, any ideas would be appreciated! I've look around on the web, but I've had trouble finding programs that I could create to make my lackluster skills shine! Thanks in advance~!
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