How much do you memorize

I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to programming. I'm almost done with my math degree, and have only now fallen in love with programming. I wish I had started much sooner. Now the problem I have is that I'm constantly having to go back and reference books or "cheat sheets" when I'm working trying to write simple programs.
In the "Jump Into C++" book, I've only gotten as far as Variables because I'm constantly having to go back and reference what I've already read.
Is this normal? (I know the question itself probably isn't.) But did you all have this problem at first? I can tell you how to calculate eigenvalues and eigevectors, how to solve Ordinary Differential equations, and intermediate mathematics as such because that's ingrained in my head, but ask me how to write a simple calculator with while and for loops, and I'd probably go all the way back to cin and cout and start building up again...
How did you all get around memorizing all the little trivial things?
I doubt you became that well known with your Math without doing it in repetitions. Just like when you were young learning your multiplication tables I am sure you used flash cards.

Programming is like trying to memorize anything else. The more programs you write, the more you'll retain. Once you learn a new function, write 10 different programs using that function, and you'll remember how to use it. I bet you used cin and cout with all your programs and now you're a pro at using cin and cout, right?
those trigonometric functions and circular functions of a circle, how did you learn or memorize them?
Don't try to memorize any syntactic element.

Over a relatively short period of time, you would automatically start remembering programming constructs that you use frequently. Trying to to memorize the ones that you do not use very often is not worthwhile; it is subject to the law of diminishing marginal returns.
Excellent point Yoda. I'm going to try that approach of writing 10 different programs with each new function.
Rote memorization doesn't work for me because if I don't use it, I tend to ignore it. Which leads me to another question; how much of what is in books do you actually use? I guess this is sort of the programming equivalent to "do I really have to memorize the hyperbolic trig functions if I'm not going to be a mathematician or engineer?" What's the stuff you never use? Or maybe, the stuff that impeded your learning and would've benefited you more at a later point?
For me, I find the C++ syntax very intuitive, but that was coming from knowing C, assembler, fortran and a bunch of other languages. Where I have to check a "cheat sheet" is in some of the C++ std:: libraries I don't use on a daily basis.
When starting out, I would keep a small cheat sheet with the syntax of different things next to my desk. You want to be able to find those answers quickly until they become memorized.
I agree with JLBorges.
I usually don't find I have to sit down and focus on memorizing anything -- If I use the feature enough, I'll end up memorizing it just by repetition, and if I don't use it often, then it isn't worth memorizing. The process works seamlessly with the brain. :)

The reference section on this website or the cppreference website is where I usually go. If internet search engines ever stopped working, I'd be out of luck though (but I guess so would every other business in the world).

One exception I remember when I first learned programming was the syntax of for loops, I think I did try to memorize that it's "starting variable, repeat condition, increment" before I got used to it just by repetition.
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