c++ programing H.W. help

I am having couple of problems with basic c++ programs could any one help me ?

1) write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter two real numbers(x and y ), evaluate z, and prints out the value of x,y,z


2) write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter two real numbers(x and y ), evaluate z, and prints out the value of x,y,z


3) write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter two real numbers(x and y ), evaluate z, and prints out the value of x,y,z


4) write a program that prints the sum of the first ten positive integers 1+2+3+...+10.

If you have come up with some code and are stuck it would be good to post it. If you cannot write simple code you need to revisit your reference materials.
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