Running program without compiler


I am doing a project for university work (in physics), for which I have written a program in C++.
Have had success running it through VS express but my supervisor wants a version that can be run straight from my USB drive on his macbook, without the need for going through a would I do this??!
I think it's hard to make .exe file for your program , but you can use online compiler , it's so easy to compile anywhere , anytime .
try this one :
C++ executables are not platform independent. You need to either re-write the entire thing in Java (in which case it will run on any platform) or compile it on your instructor's machine and then run.
In either case, you have to inform them that C++ code cannot just run on any machine and needs to be compiled on the machine it is to be run on.
Great replies, thanks!! I'm not going crazy then. I'll tell him no can do and point him towards an online compiler. Thanks very much
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