must be nonstatic member function error

Hi, when I compile my code for proj07.string.cpp, i receive the following errors:

proj07.string.cpp:31: error: 'String& operator=(const String&)' must be a nonstatic member function
proj07.string.cpp:42: error: 'String& operator+=(const String&)' must take exactly two arguments

I'm not sure how to overcome either error, any suggestions?
Note: I'm not allowed to change the header file, so any editing must be done on proj07.string.cpp


#ifndef STRING_
#define STRING_

using namespace std;

#include <iostream>

class String

// Capacity of a string
static const unsigned int MAX = 64;

char Mem[MAX]; // Memory to hold characters in string
unsigned Len; // Number of characters in string


// Construct empty string
String() { Len = 0; }

// Reset string to empty
void reset() { Len = 0; }

// Return status information
bool empty() const { return Len == 0; }
bool full() const { return Len == MAX; }

unsigned length() const { return Len; }
unsigned maximum() const { return MAX; }

// Return reference to element I
char& operator[]( unsigned I ) { return Mem[I]; }

// Return constant reference to element I
const char& operator[]( unsigned I ) const { return Mem[I]; }

// Construct string by copying existing string
String( const String& );
// Construct string by copying array of characters
String( const char [] );

// Copy string to the current string
String& operator=( const String& );

// Append string to the current string
String& operator+=( const String& );

// Return string which is the concatenation of two strings
String operator+( const String&, const String& );

// Compare two strings

bool operator==( const String&, const String& );
bool operator< ( const String&, const String& );

// Output string to stream
ostream& operator<<( ostream&, const String& );

// Input string from stream
istream& operator>>( istream&, String& );



#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include "project07.string.h"
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

String::String( const String& Copy)
int i;
Len = Copy.length();
for (i = 0; i <= Copy.length(); i++)
Mem[i] = Copy.Mem[i];
Mem[i] = NULL;

String::String( const char Array[])
int i;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(Array); i++)
Mem[i] = Array[i];
Len = i;

String::String& operator=( const String& Copy)
int i;
Len = Copy.length();
for (i = 0; i < Copy.length(); i++)
Mem[i] = Copy[i];
Mem[i] = '\0';

String::String& operator+=( const String& Copy)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < Copy.length(); i++)
Mem[Len] = Copy[i];
String operator+(const String& One, const String& Two)
char Concant [] = {};
int i = 0;
int i2 = 0;
while (i < One.length())
Concant[i] = One[i];
while (i2 < Two.length())
Concant[i] = Two[i2];
return Concant;

bool operator==(const String& One, const String& Two)
bool Val = true;
for (int i = 0; i < One.length(); i++)
if (One[i] != Two[i])
Val = false;
return Val;

bool operator<(const String& One, const String& Two )
if (One.length() < Two.length())
return true;
return false;

ostream& operator<<( ostream& Stream, const String& One)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < One.length(); i++)
Stream << One[i];
return Stream;

istream& operator>>(istream& Stream, String& One)
char InputString [] = {};

Stream >> InputString;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(InputString); i++)
One[i] = InputString[i];
return Stream;
You're defining the function wrong in the .cpp.
It's not
String::String& operator=( const String& Copy){
String& String::operator=( const String& Copy){

The same goes for all the other functions. They're all missing the scope.
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