Code will never be executed error

I'm a newbie to C++ and I'm not sure how to fix this error message I keep receiving.


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()

{ double coneradius,coneheight,sphereradius,side1,side2,pyrbase,pyrheight,circleradius; double ConeVolume,SphereVolume,HypTriangle,PyramidVolume,CircleArea,BaseArea,side3;
const double Pi= 3.141593;

int userchoice;

std::cout << "Please enter a number between 1 and 5.\n\n";
std::cout<< "1.Calculate the Cone Volume. \n";
std::cout<< "2.Calculate the Sphere Volume. \n";
std::cout<< "3.Calculate the Hypotenuse of a Triangle. \n";
std::cout<< "4.Calculate the Volume of a Pyramid. \n";
std::cout<< "5.Calculate the Area of a Circle. \n";
std::cin >> userchoice;

case 1:
//Prompt user for dimensions of cone//

std::cout<< "Please enter the cone radius in inches: \n";
std::cin>> coneradius;

std::cout<< "Please enter the cone height in inches: \n";

//Find the volume of the cone//

ConeVolume=(1/3) * Pi * coneradius * coneradius * coneheight;

//Output the values//

std::cout<< "The volume of the cone is: "<<ConeVolume<< "inches^3.\n\n";


case 2:

//Prompt user for sphere dimensions//

std::cout<< "Please enter the sphere radius in inches: \n";

//Find the volume of the sphere//

SphereVolume=(4/3)* Pi * sphereradius* sphereradius* sphereradius;

//Output the values//

std::cout<< "The volume of the sphere is: "<<SphereVolume<< "inches^3.\n\n";

case 3:

//Prompt user for sides of right triangle//

std::cout<< "Please enter side 1: \n";

std::cout<< "Please enter side 2: \n";

//Find hypotenuse of a right triangle//

side3=side1 * side1 + side2 * side2;

HypTriangle= sqrt (side3);

//Output the values//

std::cout<< "The hypotenuse of the right triangle is: "<<HypTriangle<<"inches\n\n";

case 4:

//Prompt user for dimensions of Pyramid with square base//

std::cout<< "Please enter the base in inches: \n";
std::cin>> pyrbase;

std::cout<< "Please enter the height in inches: \n";

//Find the volume of a Pyramid with a square base//

BaseArea=pyrbase * pyrbase;

PyramidVolume=1/3 * BaseArea * pyrheight;

//Output the values//

std::cout<< "The volume of the Pyramid is: "<<PyramidVolume<<"inches^3.\n\n";
case 5:

//Prompt user for radius of a circle//
std::cout<< "Please enter the radius in inches: \n";

//Find Area of the Circle//

CircleArea=Pi * circleradius * circleradius;

//Output the values//

std::cout<<"The Area of the Circle is: "<<CircleArea<<"inches^2.\n\n";


system ("pause"); Error Message: Code will never be executed

return (0);
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What's the error message?


Oh whoops, it's in the title.

It would help if we knew what line it was on... but anyway, it's probably this:


^ is not for exponents. It's a bitwise XOR operator that does not work with floating point values. If you want to square something do this:

BaseArea = pyrbase * pyrbase;
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Thank you! Im receiving this new error message now :/

system("pause"); --------code will never be executed

return (0);
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Please use the code tags. See

It does seem like you have a structure like this:
#include <iostream>

int main ()
    int a = 7;
    switch ( a )
        case 7:
        std::cout << "Hello\n";
        std::cout << "world\n";
        return 0;

My compiler fails to complain about that even though lines 11-12 will never execute. What does your compiler say?
You're using standard namespace so I think its better to use cout than std::cout
For system("pause"); i think you should include a line #include <cstdlib> in order to use it......
My compiler fails to complain about that even though lines 11-12 will never execute. What does your compiler say?
Not even a warning? I get a warning in VS 2010 for 'unreachable code'.
I am about 90% certain the error is from a visual studio compiler.
This warning is because those two limes of code are after a break statement inside of a switch. You probably meant to put those lines after the switch {...}
booradley60 wrote:
Not even a warning?

Ahh, there is explicit flag: -Wunreachable-code
With that GCC 4.4.7 and Clang 3.4.2 do mention the issue, but GCC 4.9.1 does not. Fittingly,
GCC bugzilla wrote:
-Wunreachable-code is broken and has been removed from GCC 4.5. Do not use it.

A well-formed switch statement should also have the default case in the end, if nothing else but to hint that we ignore all the unknown cases.
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