Matrix Class Problem

Hello all, this is my first time of using cpluscplus, nice to meet you all.
I am writing a matrix class that overloads assignments,addition, subtraction...etc.
The assignment operator "=" overloading part seems to work fine, but if I attempt to overload the addition "+" operator, I get error message like this:

"Debug Assertion Failed!
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\dbgdel.cpp


But if I remove "delete[]matrix" in my destructor, everything seems to work, but due to the requirement of this project, I needed to have this term in my destructor.

I would have posted a picture but its my first time of using this website, so I dont know how to do that, I apologise if my question doesnt seem to make sense, but I ll try my best to explain it if you have questions regarding this issue.

solved :D
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Hey. Could you tell us what your problem is? Give us some details? Do you get any errors? Is it outputting something you dont want it to?
Hello TarikNeaj

Sorry I accidentally selected "submit", I have edited my problem.
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