#include <conio.h> ?

I am looking to download these libraries.
i use #include <iostream>

and getting fatal errors for these


where can I find them, what do they do, which one has the get() command?, any knowledge about these
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<iostream.h> is an old, pre-standard header that are not used anymore. Use <iostream> instead.

<conio.h> came with some old compilers. I have no idea if you can download it separately and make it work with modern compilers.

<stdio.h> is a C header. You can still use it in C++, but <cstdio> is usually recommended instead.

which one has the get() command?

Which get function do you mean? http://en.cppreference.com/mwiki/index.php?search=get

If you mean you want to use the get function of std::cin that would be the <iostream> header.
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