Please help me fix my variable/function errors

Hi guys I've been working on a program that take pizzas drinks and sides, make little sub menus for each of the three and then spits out the total ordered foods with the price next to them, problem is I've messed up my variables somewhere and I'm struggling to fix them, the code is too large to paste in this box so I'll post a codesnippet link, someone please help me, I'm so confused and stressed out by this.

Thank you so much for reading, please any help would be so greatly appreciated. :)

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I'd say , instead searching so much of the program ... Go and install turbo c++ and then copy/paste your code in a text file and change the .txt to .c and paste the file in C:\TurboC\TC\Bin <--- That's default location of the software getting installed.. You may paste it wherever you install the software...

Open Turbo C++ software and then open your file whatever you named it like -"messUp.c"

Compile the program by pressing Alt+F9

Check the Errors and You'll Find The Variables you've misplaced...
Thank you for your reply I've managed to fix one of the undeclared errors for the [c] however I'm still failing to declare for example 'drinksx' on line 237, I'm unsure where I should declare it, would you happen to know?
Thanks Shadow that's very new to me I've not seen that before, how would I go about implementing that into my code?
Try declaring all the missing variables at the top of the program below your header files.. maybe they work out..
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