Changing console font size in windows xp

Hi, I badly wanna control the font size in my console applications; I almost searched/tried everything to no avail.
all I found are some functions like SetConsoleFontSize() and SetCurrentConsoleFontEx() which are not supported in windows XP.
and I get the error "Entry Point Not Found" when I run the application.
which states that the procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll .
I'm using the free IDE Code::Blocks 13.12 by the way.
So if anyone knows any other libraries, functions, code, or windows command that could be used to set the console font size, your help might literally change my life XD.... Thanks for your time anyway.
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I think the problem with this idea is that the console is not directly controlled by your program. There shouldn't be a native c++ command that controls a single console because the C++ libraries are as cross platform as possible by not trying to conform with specific programs and console programs are too numerous to count.
It seams that even code::blocks does not control the console, it is an independent entity that code::blocks asks to open your program.
You might be able to look up how to set the defaults for the console that you are using, but I don't know how you might do that.
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