Help with calculating

Ok so I am trying to write a program that calculate but currently can not write in visual studio dud to it updating at the moment. I am taking a C++ class and this is my third week so I am a novice at this and still learning so bare with me. I just want to get your advice on this make sure I am heading in the right direction. Than you for your time!

This is what I have written down

and then these are the instructions

The program asks the warehouse owner to enter the number of full and half-liter pallets to be delivered by our company.

Your program calculates and reports the total number of cases of each drink, total servings of each drink, as well as total liters for the entire order, and the US gallons and weight (in pounds) of all the product delivered.

Looking at the first part:
1. The program asks the warehouse owner to enter the number of full and half-liter pallets to be delivered by our company.
2. Your program calculates and reports the total number of cases of each drink.

Can you do that, or are you stuck on that too?
I am stuck right now. This is where I am currently at. Not sure if this is in the right direction but I need help on pretty much everything.
No need to post pictures. You can post your code directly in your post, and place them in code tags -
Sorry, thought it would be easier. Still need help with this if anyone could help me. Thank you for your time.
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