Need help on how to load an array by using a file

This is the file arraydata.txt

1 23 45 92 50 88 32 75
84 34 23 0 99 42 50 108
45 21 12 9 72 93 55 100
109 4 8 29 60 18 10 2
13 43 47 72 5 38 62 70
85 22 21 0 19 46 80 201
5 210 102 59 172 33 25 10
409 40 28 9 70 118 120 20

Display the contents of the array so that it looks similar to this:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Row 1 10 82 45

Row 2 12 15 3

Row 3 23 104 19

Display the results of your calculations so that they look similar to this

The largest number in Row 1 is 82

The smallest number in Row 1 is 10

The sum of all numbers in Row 1 is 134

The average of all numbers in Row 1 is 44.67

having lots of problems on this I just cant figure it out if someone can help me understand. That'd be great.

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Where's your code?
I have done almost no coding having a difficult time trying to
What specific problems are you having? If your answer is everything, then you need to look at whatever book/classes you are taking and revisit the notes.

Below is how to work with arrays:

Below is how you work with files:

Other than this, without knowing the specifics, it is hard to know what are you having issues with.
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