Hopefully not vague question about console RPG inventory system

Okay you guys, I need help with creating an inventory system for a console RPG game, but I'm trying to be very specific and I can't seem to seem what I am looking for anywhere. What I need is an inventory system that can take a randomly generated item (random item type, random stats, ect. ) and put it in the players inventory. I understand vectors can do this well with the push back function (I don't know much about vectors) but the problems with vectors that I see is that the element would not be guaranteed every game, which in my opinion because I'm so new to coding, would make it very hard to find a health potion, let alone use it and heal the player. And because of all the crap involved with this inventory system, I literally have no clue on how to equip a weapon on a weapon slot and change the old weapon stats to the new weapon stats. I'm terribly sorry that this is vague and I have no code to show you guys but I don't know where to start with this, I've done everything from fighting to making random maps on this program, but cannot figure this one out guys. Every question I find on google just points to a website, which points to another website, which points to something in Java instead of C++ lmao.

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