Feeling overwhelmed!

closed account (N8RzwA7f)
Not really a coding question, but advice?
I'd consider myself a intermediate/advanced beginner in std library c++ coding.
But off course I realize this is just the basic beginning.
I don't even know where to begin to ask what ??!

So what would be good next steps in learning c++?

I've heard of SDL and win32 API .
Which should I learn first? And would that still just be the beginning??
How to develop apps in C++ ? I've downloaded adroid SDK , is this oke for now?
do I need to know about algorithms/data structures ? I've heard that's essential.

Any good pointers to tutorials ?
Soo overwhelmed . I just feel the more I code the less I feel I know :(
There are hundreds of books. I would recommend looking at the list of chapters and see what order they cover teaching different subjects. Comparing several books chapters should provide a pretty good list of the best way to structure your learning. Assuming most books structure their learning on building from previous chapters.
I was curious, this looks like a good place to learn.
You can skip ahead if you know something and if you get stuck go back.


Congratulate on your very 1111th post!!!
closed account (N8RzwA7f)
Yes thanks for that , but it didn't really answer what I was asking?
You want to learn advanced stuff, start with SFML.
closed account (N8RzwA7f)
Sorry, what's SFML ??
A library for mainly creating 2D games (you can also create 3D games).
closed account (N8RzwA7f)
Oke thanks I'm reading a bit online. So I could read up about that instead of any other game SDL, or win32 API ?
What I meant to convey is just like programming is structured, learning can be also, instead of jumping around from subject to subject. Structured learning is building on what you already know. You can see what books and other teaching material use as the next learning step. It's up to you to determine where are you now, what you already know and what you may need to review.

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