Dynamic structures. С++

Guys i have a problem here with the task:

Write a program that creates a dynamic structure and perform their processing.
To develop the following functions:
1. Create a list.
2. To add an item to the list (in accordance with its mission).
3. Delete an item from a list (in accordance with its mission).
4. Print the list.
5. Write the list in the file.
6. Destruction of the list.
7. Restore the file from the list.

Entries in a linear list containing the key field type * char (character string). Establish a bidirectional list. To delete items from the preset numbers. Add to the elements in the top of the list.

I can write code, but it have more errors, and i cant write on this structures,
please suggest their own versions of codes, I would be very grateful if you write the code here, I'm sorry that I ask to write the code for me, but in my truth so many mistakes. I know it's bad, but I really do not get to writeс. Please guys HELP!!!

Don't worry about mistakes, send in your code nevertheless and we'll take it from there
I'm crazy, and I removed the code of anger, Of course no one would believe me, but I urgently need the correct code, no one is obliged to do for me, but suddenly there is someone who can, sorry for my stupidity(((
Yeah, sometimes these things happen. Don't worry too much about it. Good luck and all the best!!!
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