Tic Tac Toe game help

Write a two player tic-tac-toe program that asks users to input the row and column for each move they want to make and prints the board after each move. Initialize a 3 by 3 two dimensional char array with a space character as the default. Your program should perform input validation to make sure the move is not out of bounds and that the move has not already been used. Include functions
called userInput()​ to take the user’s move, and checkWinner()​ to check if a player has won, and printBoard()​ to display the current gameboard. If a player wins, print a message stating who won and exit the program. If nine moves are made and there is no winner, announce a tie and exit the program.

this is my assignment and im just not sure how to even start this. I don't know how to work 2d arrays.

any advice?
not to sound rude, but you should start by learning about arrays. we could help with this, but i don't think you would learn from that. please consider starting with the link provided below.

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