Sports stats

Greetings all,
I am trying to create a program that shows sports stats. I have several resources at my disposal and was wondering what would be the best way to accomplish this? I have the ability to use a AWS as a data base but I have never done anything like that before. I am decent in visual studio and in c++ but never got into using an database like that. On the other hand I could just use a whole mess of text files or a excel cvs file.
1. take input from user - sports team/ player name/ or sport to see all states
2. output he results
3. maybe add a feature to compare players of he same sport.

any help or advice is greatly appreciated
Create a player class that has the player's sports team/player name. Create another class that has all the players. Store all the results in the vector and print / compare.
Alright I decided to use a SQLITE database. I already have the database built but I am having trouble figuring out a good way to have the user input a name of a player and have it output the results from the data base.
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