project help :( :( :(

Post Office means to automate some of the shipping process. As a result,
We want to be able to calculate the shipping cost, according to the weight and its number of letters.

The following table identifies the costs related to each weight category.
For each letter to send, the postman put the weight on the system. When there are no more letters to send, the postman enters the weight of 0.
weight/cost per letter
less than 27g / $0.44
from 27g to less than 80g / $0.90
from 81g to less than 120g/ $1.10
110 and + / $1.50

The post office offers a 10% discount on each shipment of more than $ 20.

Therefore, we want a program that shows the subtotal, price reduction, taxes and the grand total of a particular shipment (a shipment is made up of many letters)
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Project help

What specific part of the assignment do you need help with? Part of it or a whole? I would be happy with either.
Whole :(
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