Need Help with Error C2679


I'm trying to compile my program however every time I do I get errors on lines 19, 47, 81,91, 112, 119. With error code C2679. Now I do have <string> so I'm not sure what I am missing? any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello user1235,

I have been trying to duplicate your error, but have not. You say the error is on line 19 yet 19 is blank and I do not see anything wrong with what is above 19 that would be a problem.

I have to ask what IDE and/or compiler are you using?

The only problem I did have is when I put the functions after the end of main. The prototypes did not cover all the functions and most of what was there was giving me a problem. Once I did a copy and paste to create new prototypes it compiled with no problem. When I used your setup I commented out all the prototypes and it compiled with no problems.

Hope that helps,


Hello Andy,

Thanks for the Help I asked another person to compile it and they had a similar response. I tried another compiler and it seemed to fix the issue I was having once I added my text files.
Hello user1235,

Your welcome.

Now that you have mentioned it I have sees problems with some text editors and how some text editors will store the file.

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