sort linked List

lets says i have 5 elements in the linked list
i want after calling sort method
its will become something like

without the inseration code ..
only to fix it.
the given link list
iam thinking about it more then few hours but keep failing .
even tho i succseed doing some good codes to some given link list.(like deleting duplicate nodes in given link list , reverse link list , only even link list and so on)
but in this 1 i keep failing for hours.
if someone can guid me or share algorithm how to do it right
appricate very much.

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Hello darje,

Without seeing your code I can only guess at what there is to work with.I am not very good at psudo code, but the concept should work.

Create a function for the sort.A name other than "sort" would be best.

include the header files "algorithm" and "vector"

std::vector<int> vInt;

transverse linked list
while (nextNode != nullptr)

std::sort(vInt.begin(), vInt.end)

for (size_t lp = 0; lp < vInt.size(); lp++) or another to transverse the linked list
transverse linked list
set variable_name_in_linked_list = vInt[lp]

Not knowing what your code is this is the simplest way I could think of. Another way would be to reshuffle the linked list nodes. If you have more variables in a node just add additional vectors.

I do not happen to have any program that uses a linked list right now, so I do not have any way to test this for now.

Hope this helps,

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hey Handy Thanks for the help mate i will try tomorow morning to work on it again and if i find the right algorithm or solution i will post here .
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