Final Project Using C++

for my final project i need to create a C++ program with the following:

Program should have:

user input
loop structure (do while, while, for)
decision structure (if else if, if else, switch)
Well documented comments
output displaying results
input data validation

Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should do? This is my first C++ class. Thanks!

Hello ahswong,

First I would start with a piece of paper and write down what the program is about and what you want the program to do. Pseudo code useful, but not necessary.

Then I would first start with the menu and get that working the way you want. I would put the menu in its own function that can be called when needed. Follow this with some of the "user input" to deal with the menu choice.

Following the input from the menu you could use a switch for program flow.

In main you could use a do/while loop to direct the program until something causes the program to quit.

Not knowing more about hat the program is about or does it is hard to be more specific about what to do.

When I see menu that is a good place to start to figure what the program need to do.

Hope that helps,

A tic-tac-toe program could do all of these except perhaps a menu. If you can figure out how to add a menu to the program, you'll have everything you need. Also there are lots of examples of tic-tac-toe here on the forum
A few other possibilities are:
- A CD inventory system
- A book inventory system
- A retail sales program
thanks for all your input! im going to create a commission calculator which allows users to calculate multiple products across multiple resale websites.
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