expected a ','

hello I am new to c++ and I am making a game on ue4 but I keep getting this problem where intellisense expected a ','

void AMyfirstgameCharacter::startfire()

GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(autofirehandle, this, &AMyfirstgameCharacter::startfire, (1/ shotspersecond), true);

void AMyfirstgameCharacter::stopfire()

void AMyfirstgameCharacter::onreload()
if (ammopool <= 0 || loadedammo >= 30) { return; }

if (ammopool < (30 - loadedammo))
loadedammo = loadedammo + ammopool;
ammopool = 0;
ammopool = ammopool - (30 - loadedammo);
loadedammo = 30;

int32 loadedmammo = 30;

int32 ammopool = 30;


{/////////////////////////////////////////////// here is where expected a ','

// Set size for collision capsule
GetCapsuleComponent()->InitCapsuleSize(55.f, 96.0f);

// set our turn rates for input
BaseTurnRate = 45.f;
BaseLookUpRate = 45.f;

// Create a CameraComponent
FirstPersonCameraComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("FirstPersonCamera"));
FirstPersonCameraComponent->RelativeLocation = FVector(-39.56f, 1.75f, 64.f); // Position the camera
FirstPersonCameraComponent->bUsePawnControlRotation = true;

// Create a mesh component that will be used when being viewed from a '1st person' view (when controlling this pawn)
Mesh1P = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(TEXT("CharacterMesh1P"));
Mesh1P->bCastDynamicShadow = false;
Mesh1P->CastShadow = false;
Mesh1P->RelativeRotation = FRotator(1.9f, -19.19f, 5.2f);
Mesh1P->RelativeLocation = FVector(-0.5f, -4.4f, -155.7f);

// Create a gun mesh component
FP_Gun = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(TEXT("FP_Gun"));
FP_Gun->SetOnlyOwnerSee(true); // only the owning player will see this mesh
FP_Gun->bCastDynamicShadow = false;
FP_Gun->CastShadow = false;
// FP_Gun->SetupAttachment(Mesh1P, TEXT("GripPoint"));

FP_MuzzleLocation = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("MuzzleLocation"));
FP_MuzzleLocation->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(0.2f, 48.4f, -10.6f));

// Default offset from the character location for projectiles to spawn
GunOffset = FVector(100.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f);

// Note: The ProjectileClass and the skeletal mesh/anim blueprints for Mesh1P, FP_Gun, and VR_Gun
// are set in the derived blueprint asset named MyCharacter to avoid direct content references in C++.

// Create VR Controllers.
R_MotionController = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMotionControllerComponent>(TEXT("R_MotionController"));
R_MotionController->Hand = EControllerHand::Right;
L_MotionController = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMotionControllerComponent>(TEXT("L_MotionController"));

// Create a gun and attach it to the right-hand VR controller.
// Create a gun mesh component
VR_Gun = CreateDefaultSubobject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(TEXT("VR_Gun"));
VR_Gun->SetOnlyOwnerSee(true); // only the owning player will see this mesh
VR_Gun->bCastDynamicShadow = false;
VR_Gun->CastShadow = false;
VR_Gun->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(0.0f, -90.0f, 0.0f));

VR_MuzzleLocation = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("VR_MuzzleLocation"));
VR_MuzzleLocation->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(0.000004, 53.999992, 10.000000));
VR_MuzzleLocation->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(0.0f, 90.0f, 0.0f)); // Counteract the rotation of the VR gun model.

// Uncomment the following line to turn motion controllers on by default:
//bUsingMotionControllers = true;
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The body of AMyfirstgameCharacter::onreload() begins with an extra brace.
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I see your question has already, been answered. I just wanted to express my envy. I wish I had the time to learn Unreal Engine. I hope you are having tons of fun with the tutorials.
thanks for the help mbozzi, and JayBari yay it's been really fun hopefully you get to try it
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