Library from github

I have a library of files from github and I need to use the classes that have been defined in this library in my code written in Visual Studio's C++. How do I do this? Should I simply copy the files from the repository and paste the files into the 'Include' folder in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\...\include?
Well, you could possibly do it that way if all else fails, but in the general case, no, you wouldn't want to do it that way. Unless it's a library that's all headers, for example, GLM (OpenGL Mathematics), or a library with very minimal files (I used a simple .h and .cpp file to compile a simple version of the FFT before I took the time to install fftw3).

If you only need to include header files (no .cpp files), you can go to:
In Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories, enter the path to the [for example, Boost library] root directory, for example:
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_55_0

If it's not a header-only library, you need to create .lib files that you then link your code to.

Here's Microsoft's guide to C++ libraries: (Static library) (Dynamic library (uses DLLs))

I usually work with gcc and not Visual Studio, but depending on how popular your library is, there might be a pre-made VS library project that you can build the solution for.
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