C++ Code Error

On line 69 I receive an error saying that total is not declared in this scope, I am unsure what I did wrong.

// Program description: This program will calculate the cost of a guest staying at a hotel.
// *******************************************************************************************
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

float mCost(float, float, float, float);
float nCost(float, float, float);
char getMembership();
float calcDiscount(float, float);

int main()
int nights, room, rCost, memberType, buffet, bCost;
char isMember = getMembership();
float discountCost;
float memberDiscount;

if(isMember == 'M' || isMember == 'm')
cout << "Please enter number of nights stayed at hotel." << endl;
cin >> nights;

cout << "Please select type of room used, 1 = Economy Room, 2 = Standard Room, 3 = Luxury Room." << endl;
cin >> room;

if(room == 1)
rCost = 70;

if(room == 2)
rCost = 100;

if(room == 3)
rCost = 150;

cout << "Please enter type of membership used, 1 = Gold, 2 = Bronze, 3 = Silver." << endl;
cin >> memberType;

if(memberType == 1)
memberDiscount = .150;

if(memberType == 2)
memberDiscount = .100;

if(memberType == 3)
memberDiscount = .050;
while(nights == 0 || room == 0);

discountCost = mCost(rCost, nights, total, memberDiscount);

if(isMember == 'N' || isMember == 'n')
cout << "Please enter number of nights stayed at hotel." << endl;
cin >> nights;

cout << "Please select type of room used, 1 = Economy Room, 2 = Standard Room, 3 = Luxury Room." << endl;
cin >> room;

if(room == 1)
rCost = 70;

if(room == 2)
rCost = 100;

if(room == 3)
rCost = 150;

cout << "Please select if you ate at the breakfast buffet while staying at hotel, 1 = Yes, 2 = No." << endl;
cin >> buffet;

if(buffet == 1)
bCost = 10;
if(buffet == 2)
bCost = 0;
while(nights == 0 || room == 0);

float nTotalCost = nCost(bCost, rCost, nights);

ofstream myfile ("HotelInvoice.txt");
if (myfile.is_open())
myfile << "This is the total member cost: $" << discountCost << endl;
myfile << "This is the total non-member cost: $" << nTotalCost << endl;
else cout << "Unable to open file";

return 0;

// void membership
// this function returns a char to show whether a customer is a member or not
// return value
// ------------------
// char
// Parameters
// ------------------
// *********************************************************************************

char membership()
char letter;

cout << "Enter your choice (M = Member or N = Non-member): " << endl;
cin >> letter;

while(letter != 'M' && letter != 'm' && letter != 'N' && letter != 'n')
cout << "Please enter M or N: " << endl;
cin >> letter;

return letter;

// void mCost*
// This function calculates the cost of stay for members
// return value
// ---------------
// float
// Parameters
// ---------------
// float rCost, float nights

float mCost(float rCost, float nights, float memberDiscount, float total)
float mTotal = rCost*nights;
float dTotal = calcDiscount(total, memberDiscount);
return dTotal;

// void calcDiscount
// This function calculates the discount for members
// return value
// ---------------
// float
// Parameters
// ---------------
// float total, float memberDiscount

float calcDiscount(float total, float memberDiscount)
float discount = total*memberDiscount;
float discountTotal = total-discount;
return discountTotal;

// void nCost
// This function calculates the cost of stay for non-members
// return value
// ---------------
// float
// Parameters
// ---------------
// float rCost, float bCost, float nights

float nCost(float rCost, float bCost, float nights)
float total = (bCost*nights)+(rCost*nights);
return total;
in "discountCost = mCost(rCost, nights, total, memberDiscount);" total was not declared.
After that I got that your "char getMembership()" is not named properly at the end of the code, it just say "char membership()"
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1) Please use code tags when posting code, to make it readable:


2) In your main() function, you're attempting to use a variable called total, in your call to mCost(). But you haven't declared that variable anywhere in main().
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