how can i delay my console program when executing?

hello guys. am creating a console application and i hav a problems

1). i wanna let my program delay befor other output. like delaying in 1second before continuing outputing other statements. pls tell me how?

2). i wanna let my program output a sentences by outputing each letter one by one, as if the computer is writting?
help guys tanks.
Hello jamesgodspower,

After you read coder777's link it would boil down to:
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(?)); // Requires header files "chrono" and "thread"
Where the ? is the number of seconds to wait. You could change seconds to milliseconds for a more precise or shorter than a second.

Hope that helps,

To 1. if you use Windows and can't use C++11 then Sleep is an option - requires windows.h.

To 2. loop through your string and display each character separately. You need to convert numbers as string.
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